Grooming scissor fix

A brief glimpse into a fix of a set of grooming scissors.

A pair of grooming scissors which were catching when closed as well as not cutting well.

I’ve also got a macro lens so lets see what we can see which also gives me a chance to describe the process.

As I was concentrating on sharpening the scissors I didn’t get round to photographing every step in the process.

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The back of the blade with the area of damage highlighted

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Zoomed in digitally as well as with the macro lense.

You can see the two dings in the blade that is causing the snag as well as the shiny edge showing a dull blade

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Into the TAS where the angle is set using a scratch test to show I’m copying the existing angle.

The diamond wheel is used to grind away a bit of metal to remove the damage and to create a new edge.

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Flip the clamp over and polish the ground edge on the polishing wheel

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Ride line

These being a decent quality scissor the back of the blade has a hollow grind which adds in another part of the process. The ride line is the flat area to the left of the hole.

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Todo this you need to manually hone the back of the blade on a waterstone. This isn’t a quick process especially on a blade which has had alot of grinding.

If you are being charged very little for sharpening a pair of scissors. Guess which step isn’t getting done.

You can see the flat area now extends further around the blade. This will extend how long the scissor will stay sharp for as well as how well it cuts. The blade is also given a cleanup which has removed the cack in the back of the blade

At this point I put my hand up and say that I forgot to take any more pictures as I moved onto the 2nd blade, Assembled it, tested it and packaged them up for return.

So have a short gallery below


Sharpening a mincing machine cutter


The forever knife