Masterclip horse clippers
Many customers have the cheap and cheerful Masterclip horse clippers which they have bought from eBay and most of them complain about the performance.
I always had a theory about these and why they had not performed well.
When i am servicing a set of A5 dog clipper blades there is adjustment in the relation between the comb (fixed blade) and the cutter (moving blade). The cutter should be set back about 1mm from the top of the comb blades.
With the Masterclip clippers when you installed the blade in what appears to be the correct position with the comb fully back the cutter always overhung the comb. I have experimented before with a customer set of clippers which putting the comb in set forward and I have had better performance.
This week i got a set in which still had the manual and reading this confirmed my suspicions
Its a case of R.T.F.M.
This is how not to fit the bottom blade (comb) but it is the most common way of doing it as it appears that the blade should stop against the shoulder
This results in the cutter overhanging the comb
From below this looks like it hasn’t been fitted correctly. but as you will see this is the right way to fit the bottom blade
You can see a 2mm gap from the end of the teeth on the moving blade to the end of the cutting face on the fixed blade.
This should be adjusted to about 2mm
A view from above
This should hopefully be of some use for some folk
if you want us to service your clippers or sharpen them then please get in touch
The manual for the masterclip ranger is HERE