Welcome to tech corner
This is a collection of links to various technical webpages on the barras blade website.
Most forms of sharpening involve removing metal in very precise ways and we have lots of machinery that lets us do this.
Some of these machines do one thing but they do it REALLY well, others are a more vaied bag which can do many things.
First up is the Tormek 2000 which is the machine that spawned Barras Blades, it’s a water cooled grinder which has got us out of many a jam. It’s speacilisim is knives and chisels but it can be bone achingly slow.
The next machine on the list is the Sorby edge-pro which is a small belt sander which is the mainstay of any pop-up sharpening event as it is used for the majority of knives as well as garden tools. This brings us to its partner in crime the pedestal buffer which is a temporary solution which has been in use since June 2021. I’ll improve it some day. Also in the garden tools side of the business we have the chainsaw sharpener
Moving away from knives and garden tools we move into the world of more precise sharpening for scissors which needs far more machines than you would think.
First up we have the 3rd mainstay of a pop-up sharpening day the industrial Twice as Sharp which earns it’s keep sharpening household and industrial scissors along with its more expensive and more exotic diamond wheeled brother which sits in the bottom drawer awaiting it’s moment to shine with hair cutting scissors.
These two are both part of the Wolff industries scissor sharpening system which includes the Corru-Gator which does one thing and it does it REALLY well. It is used for putting serrations into grooming and barbering scissors.
These three machines are all perfect for bevel edge scissors but for the more high end fully convex scissors we have the Adems full drive from russia. Which is a very versatile machine but we only use it for scissors as well as the oddpenknife for a mirror edge sharpen.
Scissors are not the only way to cut hair
There is also the good old hair clippers for dogs and horses. For this we have big red hiding away under the bench which does one thing but does it very well.
And this is what it does with an A5 style clipper blade.
What differentiates Barras blades from other sharpening companies is that we are a grumpy old marine engineer who can turn his hand to many things.
hence we have the fab shop where barras cages hangs out
As well as Barras3D who make the infamous blade push.